It's a cyber conspiracy political thriller with sex, lies, Chinese spies, fake news, hacked data, gunfights and political operatives

The Political Cyber Conspiracy
to dominate the 2020 U.S. presidential election and restructure American democracy
A sophisticated, prescient political thriller that brilliantly blends fact and fiction to pull you forward and keep you guessing. You’ll wonder where the facts stop and the story begins.
If the Russians wanted Trump to win in 2016, imagine what the Chinese and the wealthy Democratic elites would do for a Democrat in 2020!
Taking advantage of the current bitterness in U.S. politics, wealthy activist investor David Bernbach conspires with Chinese associates, a leading social media company and other Democratic elites to dominate the 2020 presidential election and usher in decades of single-party rule in the United States. As his strategy to restructure American democracy unfolds, he’s forced to contend with Eva Johnson, a beautiful artist and technologist who’s facing her own challenges with China and her husband, who runs a leading political data analytics firm. With help from Rakesh Jain, her husband’s billionaire partner, who’s on his own mission to reunite America, and Jain’s wife, a nationally respected professor of American democracy, Eva teams up with a young newspaper reporter to unleash havoc on Bernbach’s conspiracy campaign with results no one expects.
The plot is set in the 2020 Democratic primaries, with Trump, Biden, Sanders, Warren, and other candidates in the background. Packed with rich details and convincing characters, the story has twists and turns, personal and political betrayals, dirty tricks, deadly assaults and virtual assassinations that will keep you reading.
Chillingly real, it’s an electrifying story about what people and countries will do to manipulate political opinion in our post-fact internet world--and a vivid preview of the 2020 general election and the years of partisan fighting thereafter.
Intentional Consequences is a tough, provocative book for difficult times. It’s also much more than a typical thriller. Beyond delivering a rocket ride of a story that builds to a crescendo of surprises, it’s an expose of the political tactics and technologies that are threatening American democracy. The story is fiction, but the fact-setting and the underlying issues are real.
Regardless of your politics (the book takes shots at both parties), it will challenge your beliefs about social and political stereotypes and thrust you into the midst of the political, technology and social changes affecting American culture and democracy. By the last page, you’ll be never look at American politics the same way again.
You don’t need to be a political junkie or a tech geek to appreciate this book. Either way, you’ll enjoy the ride and be amazed at what you learn.
A sophisticated thriller based on real-world technology, politics and threats.
Sexy...provocative…sophisticated... enlightening...
An important book…a compelling read.
Brilliantly captures our divided politics and the impact of political manipulation and greed.
If you like politics and sophisticated thrillers by authors who make you think—people like Dan Brown, Michael Crichton, Ken Follett, John le Carré and Daniel Silva—you’ll be glad you read Intentional Consequences.
This is the first book in the Eva Johnson series.
Includes Author's Notes and book club discussion questions.
A note from Charlie about the politics in Intentional Consequences
I set out to make Intentional Consequences fun, pointed and provocative, regardless of your political point of view. It’s a “purple” book, intended to offer equal offense to each party’s base.
The characters live in a world swirling with current news, events, people and cliches you’ll recognize. If you don’t like one character’s politics or morals, stand by for the next one. If a character’s comments make you smile or frown, that’s good. You’ve taken the bait and you’re engaged.
The story is fiction, but the underlying issues are real. Many of them are affecting and endangering the future of American democracy. Beyond entertaining you with an interesting, timely and fast-paced story, I hope this book will encourage you to join in the good faith debate we need to confront these issues and enhance democracy in America.